Sunday, September 17, 2006

All's Quiet on the Western Front

...or at least on this blog, and yes, I reqlize that the "All's Quiet" refers to WWI and not WWII, but I'm in the west, and things have been quiet here lately, so there!

The fact is that this blog is centered around WWII gaming, and I simply haven't been doing much of that lately. I'm generally pissed off at Battlefront for multiple reasons, and that combined with a lack of opportunities to play Flames of War has caused me to not spend any time working on my Soviets. Although I did pick up the Battlefield in a Box for the eastern front and a box of Shturmoviks.

I have been gaming, just not with WWII games. I've been spending some quality time with my Xbox 360, got to play a few rounds of Arkham Asylum, and even Through the Desert. That's the kind of thing I talk about on my other blog (although I haven't posted there either lately).

I do have some stuff I'm going to be posting here soon, but it's not Flames of War related. It is WWII related though, and gaming related.

I may make a Flames of War related post as well, but if I do, it will probably be a rant on Battlefront.

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